Class Summary |
AddLineDrawAICommand |
to this pos, again only x and z matter |
AddNotificationDrawerAICommand |
on this position, only x and z matter |
AddPointDrawAICommand |
create this text on pos in my team color |
AddUnitToGroupAICommand |
Adds a unit to a specific group. |
AiSelectUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
AttackAreaUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
AttackUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
BreakPathDrawerAICommand |
BuildUnitAICommand |
set it to UNIT_COMMAND_BUILD_NO_FACING, if you do not want to specify a certain facing |
CallLuaRulesAICommand |
this is subject to lua garbage collection, copy it if you wish to continue using it |
CaptureAreaUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
CaptureUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
CloakUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
CreateGroupAICommand |
Creates a group and returns the id it was given, returns -1 on failure |
CreateLineFigureDrawerAICommand |
the new group |
CreateSplineFigureDrawerAICommand |
the new group |
CustomUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
DeathWaitUnitAICommand |
wait until this unit is dead |
DeleteFigureDrawerAICommand |
Removes a figure group, which means it will not be drawn anymore. |
DGunPosUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
DGunUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
DrawIconAtLastPosPathDrawerAICommand |
DrawLineAndIconPathDrawerAICommand |
DrawLinePathDrawerAICommand |
DrawUnitDrawerAICommand |
teamId affects the color of the unit |
EraseGroupAICommand |
Erases a specified group |
FightUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
FinishPathDrawerAICommand |
FreePathAICommand |
GatherWaitUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
GetApproximateLengthPathAICommand |
Returns the approximate path cost between two points
This needs to calculate the complete path, so it is somewhat expensive. |
GetNextWaypointPathAICommand |
GiveMeNewUnitCheatAICommand |
Creates a new unit with the selected name at pos,
and returns its unit ID in ret_newUnitId. |
GiveMeResourceCheatAICommand |
The AI team receives the specified amount of units of the specified resource. |
GroupAddUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
GroupClearUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
GuardUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
InitPathAICommand |
The following functions allow the AI to use the built-in path-finder. |
LoadOntoUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
LoadUnitsAreaUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
LoadUnitsUnitAICommand |
see enum UnitCommandOptions |
MoveUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
PatrolUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
PauseAICommand |
reason for the (un-)pause, or NULL |
ReclaimAreaUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
ReclaimUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
RemovePointDrawAICommand |
remove map points and lines near this point (100 distance) |
RemoveUnitFromGroupAICommand |
Removes a unit from its group |
RepairUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
RestartPathDrawerAICommand |
RestoreAreaUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
ResurrectAreaUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
ResurrectUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
SelfDestroyUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
SendResourcesAICommand |
Give units of resource to team . |
SendStartPosAICommand |
on this position, only x and z matter |
SendTextMessageAICommand |
Sends a chat/text message to other players. |
SendUnitsAICommand |
Give units specified by to team . |
SetAutoRepairLevelUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
SetBaseUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
SetColorFigureDrawerAICommand |
(x, y, z) -> (red, green, blue) |
SetFireStateUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
SetIdleModeUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
SetLastPosMessageAICommand |
Assigns a map location to the last text message sent by the AI. |
SetMoveStateUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
SetMyHandicapCheatAICommand |
This function has the same effect as setting a handicap value
in the GameSetup script (currently gives a bonus on collected
resources) |
SetOnOffUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
SetRepeatUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
SetTrajectoryUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
SetWantedMaxSpeedUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
SquadWaitUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
StartPathDrawerAICommand |
StockpileUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
StopUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
TimeWaitUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
TraceRayAICommand |
UnloadUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
UnloadUnitsAreaUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |
WaitUnitAICommand |
max command execution-time in frames; if it takes longer then this -> abort |